Annotation Type CollectionTable

  • @Target({METHOD,FIELD})
    public @interface CollectionTable
    Specifies the table that is used for the mapping of collections of basic or embeddable types. Applied to the collection-valued field or property.

    By default, the columns of the collection table that correspond to the embeddable class or basic type are derived from the attributes of the embeddable class or from the basic type according to the default values of the Column annotation. In the case of a basic type, the column name is derived from the name of the collection-valued field or property. In the case of an embeddable class, the column names are derived from the field or property names of the embeddable class.

    • To override the default properties of the column used for a basic type, the Column annotation is used on the collection-valued attribute in addition to the ElementCollection annotation.
    • To override these defaults for an embeddable class, the AttributeOverride and/or AttributeOverrides annotations can be used in addition to the ElementCollection annotation. If the embeddable class contains references to other entities, the default values for the columns corresponding to those references may be overridden by means of the AssociationOverride and/or AssociationOverrides annotations.

    If the CollectionTable annotation is missing, the default values of the CollectionTable annotation elements apply.

        @Embeddable public class Address {
           protected String street;
           protected String city;
           protected String state;
        @Entity public class Person {
           @Id protected String ssn;
           protected String name;
           protected Address home;
           @ElementCollection  // use default table (PERSON_NICKNAMES)
           @Column(name="name", length=50)
           protected Set<String> nickNames = new HashSet();
        @Entity public class WealthyPerson extends Person {
           @CollectionTable(name="HOMES") // use default join column name
           protected Set<Address> vacationHomes = new HashSet();
    See Also:
    ElementCollection, AttributeOverride, AssociationOverride, Column
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      java.lang.String catalog
      (Optional) The catalog of the table.
      ForeignKey foreignKey
      (Optional) Used to specify or control the generation of a foreign key constraint for the columns corresponding to the joinColumns element when table generation is in effect.
      Index[] indexes
      (Optional) Indexes for the table.
      JoinColumn[] joinColumns
      (Optional) The foreign key columns of the collection table which reference the primary table of the entity.
      java.lang.String name
      (Optional) The name of the collection table.
      java.lang.String schema
      (Optional) The schema of the table.
      UniqueConstraint[] uniqueConstraints
      (Optional) Unique constraints that are to be placed on the table.
    • Element Detail

      • name

        java.lang.String name
        (Optional) The name of the collection table. If not specified, it defaults to the concatenation of the name of the containing entity and the name of the collection attribute, separated by an underscore.
      • catalog

        java.lang.String catalog
        (Optional) The catalog of the table. If not specified, the default catalog is used.
      • schema

        java.lang.String schema
        (Optional) The schema of the table. If not specified, the default schema for the user is used.
      • joinColumns

        JoinColumn[] joinColumns
        (Optional) The foreign key columns of the collection table which reference the primary table of the entity. The default only applies if a single join column is used. The default is the same as for JoinColumn (i.e., the concatenation of the following: the name of the entity; "_"; the name of the referenced primary key column.) However, if there is more than one join column, a JoinColumn annotation must be specified for each join column using the JoinColumns annotation. In this case, both the name and the referencedColumnName elements must be specified in each such JoinColumn annotation.
      • foreignKey

        ForeignKey foreignKey
        (Optional) Used to specify or control the generation of a foreign key constraint for the columns corresponding to the joinColumns element when table generation is in effect. If both this element and the foreignKey element of any of the joinColumns elements are specified, the behavior is undefined. If no foreign key annotation element is specified in either location, the persistence provider's default foreign key strategy will apply.
      • uniqueConstraints

        UniqueConstraint[] uniqueConstraints
        (Optional) Unique constraints that are to be placed on the table. These are only used if table generation is in effect.
      • indexes

        Index[] indexes
        (Optional) Indexes for the table. These are only used if table generation is in effect.